How Do You Do?
Mark Unwin has been writing and recording his own songs since the 1970s - his previous successful band was Dial A Coypu which toured around the UK in that decade. Spending more time writing plays and books, Mark has now re-entered the music world and appears regularly at the Open Mic nights at his local pub, the Rose and Crown in Walthamstow, in East London. He now records regularly with his long-time associate, the bass guitarist, teacher and composer Alan Gruner
(Alan, incidentally, wrote the hit song "Getting So Excited" which was recorded by Bonnie Tyler on her album 'Faster Than The Speed of Night'.)
Mark's lyrics have always been complex, esoteric and idiosyncratic. An early song, recorded by a nascent version of The Coypus was entitled "Clint Eastwood - this is your plagiarist speaking", and begins...
Hunched alone, at the postern gate; watching the columns
of arid men, shuffling through
their alkaline steeds prick quivering
as they straggle down the raw fused lanes of unfledged day.
Nowadays Mark's lyrics tend to be a tad less florid but none the less excellent, dealing with subjects such as the locations of Walthamstow and Weymouth which inspire Mark's poetry:
Mountains, plains, sea, and land, views wherever you may stand.
Ridges, peaks, valleys, tors, gaze, you never will be bored.
Prospect of these isles, you’re beguiled.
Offas Dyke, Welands Smithy, leave you feeling rapt, but giddy.
Norfolk Fens, Lincoln Wold, welcome to the Albion Fold.
Promontories, inlets, coves, all along the coast you rove.
Undulation, moors, and vales, panorama never fails.
Prospect of these isles, you’re beguiled.